
Reference were quite complex, so we made a resume from all info we found and try the make something clear and short. But they are extremly powerfull and is a must have if you do programming in perl. Of course we probably miss something so feel free to tell us what you think.

Rule#1 : Add "\" before your variable and get the ref

$array_ref  = \@array;         # $aref is a reference to @array
$hash_ref   = \%hash;          # $href is a reference to %hash
$scalar_ref = \$scalar;        # $sref is a reference to $scalar

$xy         = $array_ref;      # $xy       is a copy of a reference to @array          => it is a reference to @array
$array[2]   = $hash_ref;       # $array[3] is a copy of a reference to %hash           => it is a reference to %hash
$scalar     = $array[2]        # $scalar   is a copy of a copy of a reference to %hash => it is a reference to %hash

$array_ref  = [ 1, "foo", undef, 13 ]; # $array_ref is a reference to the array (1, "foo", undef, 13)
$hash_ref   = { APR => 4, AUG => 8 };  # $hash_ref  is a reference to the hash (APR => 4, AUG => 8) or (APR, 4, AUG, 8)
Note: the bracket are the same as the one that are used to access an element!

@array      = (1, 2, 3);        $array_ref = \@array;  can be written    $array_ref = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
$hash       = (APR, 4, AUG, 8); $hash_ref  = \%hash;   can be written    $hash_ref  = { APR => 4, AUG => 8 }

In the second (short) form, we do not have an array variable or a hash variable explicitly: we call the "anonymous array" and "anonymous hash"

Rule#2: Code with non-ref variable "var" and replace them (dont remove the $@%) with your ref variable "{$var_ref}" : you get your variable dereferenced and you can access the real value.

Reverse rule or dereferencing: (Alternative: Dereferencing with arrow: recommended)

@a = @{$array_ref};          A copy of the array  which is referenced (can be a bug structure so be carefull)
%h = %{$hash_ref};           A copy of the hash   which is referenced (can be a bug structure so be carefull)
$s = ${$scalar_ref};         A copy of the scalar which is referenced (not that big...)

and now for the elements of array or hash:
with:$arref = \@array; $href  = \%hash; $scaref = \$scalar

                      $array[3]=2;  $  array [3]=2
is equivalent to   ${$arref}[3]=2;  ${$arref}[3]=2
                       $hash{3}=2;  $   hash {3}=2
is equivalent to    ${$href}{3}=2;  ${$ href}{3}=2

                                    @  array  =
                                    @{$arref} =
                                    %  hash   =
                                    %{$ href}  =
                                    $  scala  =
                                    ${$scref} =

                                     {$     }

This means we can code without ref and change your variable at the end var to {$var_ref} in any cases !!!

Note2: a reference is also a scalar, but be carefull:
with:$array_ref = \@array; $hash_ref  = \%hash; $scalar_ref = \$scalar
$a = ${$array_ref};  $a is an array in a "scalar context", so equivalent to "scalar @array" or $(@array) or $a = @array; $a is nb of element of the array!
$h = ${$hash_ref};   $h is an hash  in a "scalar context", so equivalent to "scalar $hash " or $(%hash ) or $h = %hash;  $h a storage size of the hash (avoid)
$s = ${$scalar_ref}; $s is a copy of the $scalar,          so equivalent to "$s = $scalar... so ${\$scalar} is equivalent to $scalar!

Note1: If we deref a ref we obtain the variable that can be of all type!: logic
Note2: if we ref a deref we obtain the ref, logic!
Note3: Why would you do that?...

Trivial case and simplification, even it works...

Trivial case and simplification, even it works...
${\$scalar} => $scalar
@{\@array}  => @array
%{\%hash}   => %array

\${$scalar_ref} => $scalar_ref
\@{$array_ref}  => $array_ref
\%{$hash_ref}   => $array_ref

So you shoud never have this:
${\$ safe to remove if the variable is a  scalar
@{\@ safe to remove if the variable is an array
%{\% safe to remove if the variable is a  hash
\${$ safe to remove if the variable is a  scalar ref
\@{$ safe to remove if the variable is an array  ref
\%{$ safe to remove if the variable is a  hash   ref

Note1: dont forget to remove the ending bracket!

but what about that :
\${$array_ref}[1]         the referencing is apply a the end so

1. ${$array_ref}[1]       we have an element of the array
2. \${$array_ref}[1]      we have a scalar ref of the element of the array

As you can see it is not safe to be removed as the variable is not a scalar....