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Devmon is an open-source SNMP monitor tool that can graph and alert several hundreds of devices per minutes

General Information

  • Devmon is a Perl daemon designed to enhance the SNMP monitoring capabilities of a server running Xymon monitoring software
  • Devmon takes the data that it obtains via SNMP and applies user-defined logic against it and compares the results to user-customizable thresholds. It uses the final data to determine if the remote device is in an abnormal or critical state, and reports accordingly to the Xymon display server.
  • Devmon provides a solution that is very efficient, fault-tolerant, scalable and maintainable.
  • Devmon supports a flexible, user-customizable template system, which allows an end user with little or no programming knowledge to easily create test logic for any number of different types of devices.

Technologies Used

  • Xymon
  • SNMP
  • Perl5
  • MySQL (for multi-node configuration)


  • Multithread polling engine
    • Devmon is able to spawn a user-configurable number of child processes to offload the SNMP v1,v2c,v3 query workload to. This allows for the rapid query of a large number of remote devices.
  • Device discovery process
    • Scan each device for any SNMP security authentication combination and store it in a persistent storage until a re-scan is performed
  • A scalable tool
    • For smaller networks (<200 devices), Devmon can be run in a “single node” configuration, and can be run from the same server as the Xymon display server.
    • For larger, enterprise networks, Devmon can run in a 'multi node (cluster)' configuration (WIP), with all nodes using a MySQL back-end server (which can also be a cluster, for maximum fault tolerance) for data storage, load balancing, and fault tolerance or simply in “single node” in its own dedicated server (recommended so far)


Example screenshot <!– If you have screenshots you'd like to share, include them here. –>


  • In order for Devmon to do anything useful, you will need a machine capable of running the Perl interpreter, which is used to execute the Devmon code. Please consult the INSTALLATION file located in the docs directory.
  • In addition, you will need a machine (either the same machine running Devmon, or a different one) running the Xymon monitoring program, which displays the messages that Devmon generates.
  • Finally, you will need your to have your Xymon program set up to monitor at least one host that Devmon has a template for. Only then will Devmon be able to poll a remote host and display the results. For more information on Devmon's template system, please consult the TEMPLATES file located in the docs directory.


How does one go about using it? Provide various use cases and code examples here.


Project Status

  • The project is: in progress
  • Version is still < 1 (as we can guaranty backward compatibility with previous version)

Room for Improvement

  • There ara many areas that need improvement or could be improved.
  • Some a listed in github issues
  • Feel free to add your own


Many thanks to all developers or friendly poeple that work or did work on this version or previous one

  • Henrik Stoerner
  • Steve Aiello
  • Dan Vande More
  • Craig Boyce
  • Buchan Milne
  • Wim Nelis
  • Stef Coene
  • And all others I dont know (if you want to be listed or not make an issue)

And also many thanks to Xymon developpers!


Created by @flynerdpl - feel free to contact me!

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fr/playground/test1.txt · Dernière modification : 2024/03/13 06:54 de adminw1k1