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Windows Permissions and Unix Mapping

IDWindows PermissionIncluded PermissionsWindows NotesUnix Equivalent
FC Full Control M, CP, TO, RX, DS, L (ALL) rwx (Read, Write, Execute)
M Modify R, W, D rwx (Read, Write, Execute)
RX Read & Execute R, T (Does not include L as a separate permission, but allows listing of folder contents)rx (Read, Execute)
R Read RA, REA r (Read)
RA Read Attributes None r (Read)
REARead Extended Attributes None r (Read)
T Traverse Folder/Execute FileNone x (Execute)
L List Folder Contents None (is equivalent to RX on folders, allowing the user to view and list folder contents)r (Read)
W Write WA, WEA w (Write)
WA Write Attributes None Not directly equivalent in Unix. Unix does not have a separate permission for writing file attributes.
WEAWrite Extended Attributes None Not directly equivalent in Unix. Unix does not have a separate permission for writing extended attributes.
D Delete None Not directly equivalent in Unix. Deletion of a directory or file is controlled by the permissions of the parent directory.
DS Delete Subfolders and Files None Not directly equivalent in Unix. In Unix write permission (`w`) on a directory allows deletion of files within that directory, but not deletion of the directory itself or its subdirectories.
CP Change Permissions None w (Write)
TO Take Ownership None Not directly equivalent in Unix. Ownership in Unix is managed separately from permissions.

NFSv4 ACL Permissions

  • r (Read Data / List Directory): Allows reading file contents or directory listing.
  • w (Write Data / Add File): Allows modifying a file or adding a new file in a directory.
  • x (Execute / Traverse): Allows executing a file or traversing a directory.
  • p (Append Data / Add Subdirectory): Allows appending data or adding a subdirectory.
  • a (Append Data / Modify Directory): Allows appending data or modifying a directory.
  • A (Read Attributes): Allows reading basic attributes like timestamps.
  • R (Read Named Attributes): Allows reading extended attributes.
  • W (Write Named Attributes): Allows writing or modifying extended attributes.
  • c (Read ACL): Allows reading the ACL.
  • C (Write ACL): Allows modifying the ACL.
  • o (Write Owner): Allows changing the file or directory ownership.
  • s (Synchronize): Ensures file changes are synchronized to storage immediately.
  • d (Delete): Allows deleting a file or directory.
  • D (Delete Child): Allows deleting a file or directory within a directory.
  • t (Read Attributes, NFSv4 specific): Allows reading ACL-related attributes.
  • T (Write Attributes, NFSv4 specific): Allows modifying ACL-related attributes.
  • N (Read Named Attributes, NFSv4 specific): Allows reading NFSv4-specific named attributes.

Combined Permissions

  • Read (rxaRc): Read, execute/traverse, append, read named attributes, read ACL.
  • Modify (rwxpdcaARWco): Read, write, execute/traverse, append, delete, read ACL, append/modify directory, read attributes, read/write named attributes, write owner.
  • Traverse (x): Execute/traverse directory.
  • Full Control (rwxpdDaARWcCos): All permissions, including delete child, synchronize, and full control over attributes and ACLs.
fr/tricks/windows_perm.txt · Dernière modification : 2024/05/18 17:45 de adminw1k1